Monday, March 8, 2010

Girlie Bikes

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA - Hi, I’m really it, just darling, stamina aplenty, fear nothing, and oh yea, I’m extremely photogenic. Ok, that’s not what the gals from Team Vera Bradley Foundation said when they met me, but they might as well have. These are professional racers, and they hail from across the planet. Australia, South Africa, Israel, Canada and of course the good ‘ole USA are represented on this team. They have embraced the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer as a cause they want to promote this year, and we are extremely thankful. Who better to be the face of our future? Strong and healthy, brave and confident. They are tackling some big roads, some high hills. They are doing this for us this year, fellow survivors. They are doing it with big smiles and hopeful hearts. As they begin their racing season, I hope to be able to personally introduce them to as many of you as I possibly can. What they are doing can not be measured - in terms of the awareness they are raising - but it will most certainly help us all. Girlie girls, with big mean bikes. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you sell those cycling jerseys anywhere? Does the team have their own site? I googled a few different search terms and did not find anything. :(