Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Pink-ing of Warsaw, Part 2

WARSAW, INDIANA - So we all left the Tri-Kappa event from the morning, had a quick bite at a local eatery (the Boathouse had pink balloons out for the guests!) and then headed right back for the afternoon festivities! Barb Richards from Majic WAJI in Fort Wayne, Indiana, guided us to through the afternoon, and what an afternoon it was. Redeemer Lutheran really showed that they walk the walk when it comes to community outreach and blew us all away. Barbara Bradley Baekgaard, co-founder of Vera Bradley, moved us all to tears as she told us about how and why the Foundation was created and what it means to her personally. Rachel Doyle’s brother and sister personally thanked us for helping their family with the pediatric cancer bills (no dry eyes in the house after that). This small town in Indiana really had its heart on its sleeve for this one;it just shows how much you can do if you have a force of great friends and neighbors. Now everyone come out and visit Warsaw/Winona Lake – you will LOVE it!

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