Thursday, April 14, 2011


NATIONWIDE, UNITED STATES - It’s that time of year again – happens every spring. When we used to live in Chicago, my family and I would participate in a springtime cancer walk downtown. Without fail, we would carve out a day, put my mama's name on a little sign we put on our backs, and joined thousands of other people who were equally affected by cancer. Some years I would walk pregnant, some years I pushed a stroller, some years we were all old enough to just walk all by ourselves. It was always a bit tiring, a bit crazy and a huge amount of fun.

It’s a wonderful, bonding experience, these walks/runs that happen nationwide. Worldwide, actually, as I’ve been informed by my online friends overseas. People who have lost loved ones, who have tackled this disease ourselves, who are helping friends go through it. We put ourselves on a little path for one day that makes us feel that we are empowered and able to make a difference. And, we will keep doing so until a cure is found.

So, here’s to all my sisters, brothers, friends and children who are walking, rolling, running, biking and golfing to help all of us with the "survivor" label. Every event that donates to research helps the whole world, and every footstep matters.

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